Teaching Philosophy 

The learning environment plays a crucial role in shaping children's development. I firmly believe that effective teaching can have a positive impact on their lives. Growing up surrounded by children with disabilities, I understand the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students.

My passion lies in working with children and helping them improve in various ways. This drove me to become a speech therapist, where I witnessed the challenges students face in a school setting and helped them make progress during therapy sessions. Building on my speech therapy background, my goal is to become a special educator and continue supporting children in their learning journey. As a teacher, my primary objective is to create a safe and comfortable space for my students, where they feel understood, valued, and loved.

Active listening has always been a priority for me. By actively listening, we can enhance communication, foster understanding, and build stronger relationships. I recognize that students often face academic challenges due to factors such as insecurity, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem. When teachers prioritize active listening, encourage open dialogue within appropriate boundaries, and treat students with respect, it creates a positive atmosphere conducive to engagement and motivation. Students are more likely to feel comfortable, respected, and eager to participate, resulting in a classroom filled with smiles and enthusiasm.

In the past, I have utilized rewards to motivate my students during speech therapy sessions. I believe in introducing notes of encouragement when a child tries their best, even if they don't succeed immediately. This approach fosters a growth mindset and encourages students to persevere. Additionally, preparing rewards, such as small tokens or tickets, can incentivize students to strive for success and create a sense of excitement among the class.

Creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment is essential. Students who feel respected and listened to will be more willing to express themselves and share their concerns. By incorporating multimedia elements like PowerPoint presentations with background music or captivating images, we can stimulate interest and improve retention. It's crucial to balance these multimedia tools with interactive activities to cater to different learning styles and maintain student engagement.

I am committed to developing customized education plans for students with special needs to ensure they receive the necessary support. I aim to provide guidance and resources for creating inclusive and supportive classroom environments.

My ultimate ambition is to create a safe space for my students, where they feel comfortable approaching me with any academic issues or challenges they may face. As a specialized educator, it is our responsibility to prepare students for their future adult lives and foster their independence. I strongly advocate for the inclusion of individuals with disabilities and strive to provide them with the support they need to thrive.